Wazifa To Make Wife Obedient
Wazifa To Make Wife Obedient or for wife to love her husband can be use to make wife listen. Our muslim expert will provide you wazifa for wife to respect husband to make wife obedient.
A husband and wife share more just a relationship. There has always been the Almighty Allah watching over the relationship. Marriage makes the relationship between a man and a woman halal. So, Allah admires if they have got a company as it makes the satan disappointed.

If you are having any issues in your marriage life, you can solve it by the help of Islamic ways. Islam has got the most effective remedies that can cure any of your social or personal issues. We provide wazifa for every kind of problem.
Each of our collection is for a specific problem. If you feel like consulting an Islamic scholar or astrologer, you can contact free to go and ask for help.
All you need a faith which has to be strong enough to let this wazifa work for you. Allah helps those who have faith in him.
Wazifa For A Wife To Love Her Husband
Wazifa For A Wife To Love Her Husband, There is always an expectation in every relationship. Every person is looking for some care and respect from the other person who is unique to them.
They crave for the feeling of being relevant to them. Marriage is one of such kind of relationship that lies on a strong bond. But, both of them have to contribute the same efforts to keep it secure and healthy.
Have you found some strange behavior in your wife? Are you not getting the love you are expecting from her? If you are disappointed with the relationship you are sharing, you must have to find the most effective remedy for you. We suggest you must perform wazifa for wife to love her husband.
Here Are The Following Steps To Perform The Wazifa For Wife To Love Her Husband
- You can perform this wazifa only after the prayers of Esha.
- First of all, you have to be a true Muslim. Hence, you must offer the five-time prayers a day with regularity.
- Make a fresh ablution and perform the Esha prayers kindly.
- After that, you must let yourself ready to perform the wazifa by sitting on a jaa e namaz in the direction of Qibla.
- Now, perform the recitation of the surah muzammil forty-one times.
- Then, take a pack of sweets and blow on it.
- You must blow on it while keeping the pack in your right hand.
- After that, you must give it to your wife and tell her to eat it.
- You are to perform the same process for seven days.
- If you perform it for seven days without missing out, you will surely be going to notice impressive results.
You will find your wife’s behaviour improved in these seven days if you have performed this wazifa for wife to love her husband.
Wazifa To Make Wife Listen
Wazifa To Make Wife Listen, Is your wife not listening to what you are saying? Are you not finding her obedient anymore? If you are feeling frustrated and irritated by her actions and words.
You must have to get rid of it. You got to keep your marriage healthy and full of love. It is necessary to preserve it and make it more robust.
Most of the cases show some factors that are responsible for having a misunderstanding and disobedience. If you feel uneasy and out of your mind because of her negligence, you should keep your mind in control and think with a fresh mind.
There are ways to make things right. In your case, you must not take it for granted and look into the matter seriously. We highly recommend you to perform the wazifa to make wife listen.
Islamic ways have always been yielding impressive outcomes with ease. So, if you have got faith in the almighty Allah and his words, you must perform this wazifa to make wife listen.
Steps To Perform Wazifa To Make Wife Listen
- Start this wazifa on Thursday after the Esha prayers.wazifa to make wife look
- First of all, you have to perform ablution and then find a perfect place to indulge yourself in prayers.
- Now, recite the following dua for a hundred times.
- Allahumma sale alamuhammadinwaala ale muhammadin.
- Then, you have to recite durood Shareef for seven times.
- You have to perform the process for seven days straight.
If you perform this wazifa with sincerity, you will get positive results very soon.
Wazifa For A Wife To Respect Husband
Wazifa For A Wife To Respect Husband, In a marriage, a husband expects a lot of love and care from his wife. But, most importantly, he expects a lot of respect and obedience too.
In case if he does not get it, it makes the relationship unhealthy and they frequently and readily involve in arguments. It does not mean you have no choices left. There is a way which is the most effective and powerful.
Islamic supplications can make things right between the two of you. Moreover, it can make your wife love you crazily and listen to you.
Steps To Perform Wazifa For Wife To Respect Husband
- First of all, you must have to make a fresh ablution before you start performing the wazifa.
- After that, you have to wear appropriate clothes for prayers.
- Then, you should take a jaa e namaz and spread in front of you. Make sure it is in the direction of qibla.
- Now, perform the recitation of durood e Ebrahimi for eleven times.
- Then, you need to recite yawadudu for a thousand times.
- After that, you must have to recite durood e Ebrahimi for eleven times.
- Lastly, make dua to the almighty Allah and ask for making your wife obedient.
If you can perform this wazifa for wife to respect husband, you will be able to notice dramatic changes in the behavior of your wife. You have to perform it with all your heart and have faith in what you are doing.